cinnamon powder

We Do...

Ceylon cinnamon is from Cinnamom zeylanicum blume or Cinnamom verum, which is entirely different to the Cassia cinnamon (China cinnamon - Cinnamom cassia). As the botanical name suggests, these are entirely two different species.

Ceylon cinnamon is very delicate in its taste, less bitter and has a taste and flavor which is mildly sweet and savory with a citrus note. This is a very versatile spice that can go into foods, beverages, alcoholic cocktails and juices whether they are hot or cold and whether they are sweet or savory. Any food or drink with cinnamon tastes better and enhances the fragrance.

Ceylon cinnamon was used by Sri Lankans from the historical periods to provide vitality and good health. In the olden days, Arab merchants took Ceylon cinnamon all around the world and Romans and other Europeans used this from biblical periods. After the Arabs, the Portuguese and the Dutch fought many wars to get the cinnamon trade from Sri Lanka under their control and they took this spice well beyond Europe into Mexico and central America.

cinnamon sticks

Ceylon Cinnamon vs Cassia Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon

Cassia Cinnamon


Not the real

Botanical name

Cinnamom zeylanicam Blume

Or Cinnamom verum

Cinnamom aromaticum
Or Cinnamom casia


Light brown

Reddish dark brown


Several layers of fold like a cigar

One inward fold with an empty cavity


Soft and fragile. Easy to break

Hard and rough. Difficult to


Flavour & Aroma

Sweet flavour. Soft aroma

Pungent & zesty flavor. Strong aroma


0.004% of Coumarin

5% of Coumarin


  • Safe for prolonged use.

  • Has antioxidant and antimicrobial

Causes liver damage by
constant use.


Sri Lanka

China, India, Vietnam,



Expensive. Used in the EU, Western Asia, Oceania

Low priced. Used in Canada
and the USA

Price idea

Comparatively costlier than cassia due to its higher quality, safety and health benifits.

Cheaper alternative to TRUE


Sri Lankans used Ceylon cinnamon from historical periods to provide vitality and good health. In the olden days, Arab merchants took Ceylon cinnamon all around the world. Romans and other Europeans used this from biblical periods. After the Arabs, Portugal and Dutch fought many wars to get the Ceylon cinnamon trade under their control and they took this spice well beyond Europe into Mexico and central America. All these countries are now enjoying our Ceylon cinnamon with their foods, drinks, pickles, beverages. Industries use our Ceylon cinnamon for pharmaceuticals, perfumes and cosmetics in addition to food and drinks.

We at Forbes & Walker fine foods brings you the Ceylon cinnamon as




Quills in Bales and Cut Quills


Sri Lanka does quills (or simply known as sticks) as fine and coarse grades. These grades are again divided into many sub grades based on their presentation, colour, thickness and blemishes. The choice of the grade is mainly depending on the end usage. Forbes and Walker can assist you to select the best to suit your need to balance the cost, quality and end use.

When it comes to quills, the most expensive grade is Alba and C5 special. These are very thin in size, very neat and clean in appearance and mainly used for gifts and at high end restaurants and hotels to serve along with alcoholic / non alcoholic cocktails & drinks, tea, coffee or hot chocolate. At homes these may be used at special occasions to serve with hot drinks and or with alcoholic beverages.

The grades such as C5, C4 are used with hot drinks and alcohol in general. The grades such as M5, M4 are used in foods and curries to impart the flavor & fragrance. These too can be used with hot drinks. H1 and H2 are used mainly for grinding and to add into foods.

Crushed Cinnamon

crushed cinnamon

Crushed cinnamon is mainly used in tea bags to produce infusions.

Cinnamon Powder


If you are looking for cinnamon powder for your industry or for retail, we can provide the same from Sri Lanka itself, saving you a lot of money. What’s more, since Sri Lanka grows and sells only the True Cinnamon (Cinnamom zeylanicum blume / Cinnamom verum), you are assured that you are importing the real true cinnamon powder without adulteration by cassia. Speak to Forbes & Walker for more information.